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What UX KPIs and Metrics you can use?

Before we jump to the list of UX KPIs and Metrics that you could use to measure the UX design efforts you invest on your company, let's define first what is the difference between and KPI (Key Performance Indicator) and metric.

What is the difference between a KPI and a Metric?

We often interchange the two terms which is totally WRONG. A KPI is a metric, but a metric is not a necessarily a KPI. Both KPI and a metric is intended to measure success. Why is that distinction very important to understand? It is because KPI is closely related to organizational goals. An organization needs to know their KPIs to perform at their best in order to achieve their organizational goals. If so, how do we formulate our KPIs?

  • KPI measures organizational objectives
  • KPI provides context that creates meaning on all organizational levels
  • KPI is derived from actual data
  • KPI must be easy to understand
  • KPI drives action

Note that financial outcome in an organization represents the results of driving a good KPI.

Now that we know what is a KPI and a metric, how do we measure UX design efforts we invest on our products?

product design sprint

List of UX KPIs and Metrics

Category KPIs / Metric
Common Conversion (sales / visits)
Funnel analysis
Basket abandonment
Bounce Rate
Banners Click through rate
SEO Number of clicks to your site from keywords
Number of keywords triggering results for your site
SEO positioning
SEM keyword value
Inbound links
Affiliate links
Social Media Number of Facebook Shares
Number of Facebook Likes
Number of Facebook Mentions
Facebook Referrals
Number of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Number of Tweets Mentions (@{twitter_handle})
Blog Comments
Blog Articles
Video Views
Youtube channel subscriptions
Youtube channel comments
Youtube video reviews
Youtube favorites
Number of Stars in Reviews
(Third Party)
Alexa Rank
Compete (US)
Emails &
Email sign-up
Open rate
Email Bounced rate (Emails bounced with bad address
Click through rate (CTR)
Unsubscribe rate
Email newsletter churn
Architecture (IA)
Task Completion
Time to Content
Clicks to Content
Number of Errors

There's more and you can check out the references I add below.

If you can't measure it, you can't improve it.
- Peter Drucker

This quote from Peter Drucker (The Father of Modern Management) strongly defines the value of metrics and UX Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Every company's goal is to deliver the best products we can to our customers and clients. Companies invest on design with the goal to add value. Thus, in order to deliver and quantify the value that design brings, we must find ways to measure it. The list I added above is a good starting point on how to quantify user experience (UX) design efforts that the company invests.

If you can't measure it, you can't improve it.Peter Drucker